Hey Siri, Am I Depressed?: Digital Phenotyping and Mental Health 7 기 김유진 (Yoojin Kim) Mental Health in South Korea https://theconversation.com/people-with-severe-mental-illness-live-shorter-lives-but-the-solution-isnt-simple-127397 According to a 2021 report by the Korea Development Institute (KDI), South Korea has placed number 35 out of the OECD’s 37 member countries in their happiness level: almost becoming the unhappiest country among them (Choi, 2021). The reasons included excessive working hours, economic inequality, poor air quality, and more. On top of that, the outbreak of COVID-19 has dramatically triggered Korean young adults to question their career futures, hence, increased the rate of depression, self-harming, and suicide (Ryall, 2020). Despite the Korean people’s poor mental state, however, the prevalence of depression diagnosis and adequate treatment is substantially low (3.1%) compared to the average of other countries (7.2%) (Kim et al., 2...