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[6월호, 2021년] #53 Hey Siri, Am I Depressed?: Digital Phenotyping and Mental Health - 7기 김유진


Hey Siri, Am I Depressed?:

Digital Phenotyping and Mental Health

7 김유진 (Yoojin Kim)

Mental Health in South Korea


According to a 2021 report by the Korea Development Institute (KDI), South Korea has placed number 35 out of the OECD’s 37 member countries in their happiness level: almost becoming the unhappiest country among them (Choi, 2021). The reasons included excessive working hours, economic inequality, poor air quality, and more. On top of that, the outbreak of COVID-19 has dramatically triggered Korean young adults to question their career futures, hence, increased the rate of depression, self-harming, and suicide (Ryall, 2020). Despite the Korean people’s poor mental state, however, the prevalence of depression diagnosis and adequate treatment is substantially low (3.1%) compared to the average of other countries (7.2%) (Kim et al., 2020). This is mainly due to Korea’s severe social stigma of mental illness stemmed from strong adherence to Confucianism and collectivism (Ran et al., 2021). Because Confucian principle “emphasizes individual will, spiritual strength, and self-discipline” (Chu, 2018), those with mental illness that deviate from the supposedly “strong-willed” majority are often discriminated against and labeled as outcasts. This explains why a lot of Koreans delay or avoid actively reaching out for professional help, which will sometimes lead to irreversible consequences like suicide. Therefore, it is imperative to come up with an aid that could break the barrier of important intervention.


Flattening the Curve: Introducing Digital Phenotyping

Digital phenotyping is “the moment-by-moment, in situ quantification[s] of the individual-level human phenotype using data from personal digital devices” (Huckvale et al., 2019). In other words, one’s smartphone or other wearable devices track and analyze the person’s activity to detect the presence of mental illness. Since the technology directly gathers the data without any middlemen like psychiatrists or survey questionnaires, it can help treatment-naïve patients with early diagnosis. The prospective patients will not have to go through overwhelming, unapproachable conventional diagnosis processes since digital phenotyping can unobtrusively measure one’s mood, thoughts, frequency of social interactions, and physical activities through social media activity, web browser search history, call/text history, and accelerometers/GPS, respectively (Jacobson et al., 2020).


This method of analysis is not only more accessible for the patients but also can yield a much more accurate diagnosis compared to the conventional diagnosis method. Usually, psychiatrists ask patients to fill out a survey that inquires the latter’s mood, thoughts, behaviors, and more. The result could often be flawed by the patients’ imprecise memory of their past and response bias (the tendency for a survey participant to respond falsely in a way that seems more socially acceptable or according to the perceived intention of the researcher by the participant), resulting in imprecise diagnosis and treatment. Digital phenotyping comes in handy for such a situation, since it can see through every bit and detail of one’s life. This raises a question, then: what are some dangers or limitations of this technology?

Just like any other innovative technology, digital typing is also a double-edged sword and has room for improvement. The first and foremost issue is the topic of privacy and security. Although the technology of digital tracing or collecting individual data has long been in commercial use, the approach of implementing it in a medical context is quite new; even the term "digital phenotyping" itself has only been coined and introduced to academia for few years. Hence, related regulations, especially ones regarding privacy and security are still lacking. Other concerns include accuracy, feasibility, economic efficiency, and more (Huckvale et al., 2019). Hopefully, though, pioneering services such as Beiwe and MindStrong Health on top of increasing research in academia forecast a promising prospect.


Next Steps

After all, for digital phenotyping technology to meet its full potential, multidisciplinary efforts are a must. Government should legislate up-to-date regulation regarding data usage and privacy while various stakeholders such as scientists, technicians, or businessmen diligently cooperate in research and development. Most importantly, increased awareness and acceptance of mental health issues by the public are essential for accelerating innovation.

Our brains are not much different from other organs: just as our stomach aches, our brain can of course hurt too. However, Korean society seems to find it particularly difficult to accept the fact. In the short future, hopefully, the advancement of digital phenotyping will render no brains left behind.






Choi, J. (2021, May 19). S. Korea among unhappiest countries in OECD. The Korea Herald.

Chu, M. (2018, January 12). Why is mental health treatment sluggish in Korea? Korea Biomedical Review.

Huckvale, K., Venkatesh, S., & Christensen, H. (2019, September 6).  Toward clinical digital phenotyping: a timely opportunity to consider purpose, quality, and safety. npj Digital Medicine, 2 (88).

Jacobson, N., Summers, B., & Wilhelm, S. (2020, May 29). Digital Biomarkers of Social Anxiety Severity: Digital Phenotyping Using Passive Smartphone Sensors. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e16875.

Kim, G., Jo, M., & Shin, Y. (2020, October 12). Increased prevalence of depression in South Korea from 2002 to 2013. Sci Rep, 10 (16979).

Ran, M., Hall, B., Su, T., Prawira B., Breth-Petersen, M., Li, X., & Zhang, T. (2021, January 7). Stigma of mental illness and cultural factors in Pacific Rim region: a systematic review. BMC Psychiatry, 21 (8).

Ryall, J. (2020, September 15). South Korea's soaring suicide, self-harm rates pinned on pandemic. DW.COM.







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