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Showing posts from November, 2020

[11월호, 2020년] Count how many times you changed your electronics - 6기 장윤설

  Count how many times you changed your electronics   On October 13 th 2020, Apple released the new iPhone 12 excluding wall chargers and wired earbuds in aims to be more environmentally friendly and to reduce e-waste [2] . Not to mention in previous years, Apple had already implemented a trade-in program, a Material Recovery Lab to enhance recycling methods, and even designed a robot that can recover valuable materials as iPhones are disassembled [3] . Continuing their efforts to recycle and reuse resources, Apple included fewer accessories with the new iPhone 12. By doing so, the company saves costs and cuts down greenhouse gas emissions; it’s a win-win for both the business and the planet.   Yet, it’s not this simple. Customers who don’t have earphones and chargers will buy new ones. This implies more packaging and separate deliveries, increasing carbon footprint. Despite Apple’s sustainability initiatives of making big cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, e-...

[11월호, 2020년] 영화산업과 지속가능성 - 5기 복준환

  영화산업과 지속가능성   영상이 우리에게 줄 수 있는 메시지는 언제나 강력하다 . 과거에 불합리성을 고발하기 위해 혹은 사회가 겪고 있는 다양한 고통을 호소하기 위해 수많은 글과 책이 쓰였던 것처럼 , 영상은 글에서 더 나아가 의도된 배열의 이미지와 텍스트로 시각적 설득을 더해 사람들에게 사회 변혁에 대한 의지를 전달한다 . 영상은 단순히 그 기능의 효율성을 넘어서 메시지를 확실히 전파할 수 있는 힘 또한 가지고 있다 . 우리 생활에 가까운 대표적인 영상 매체의 예시가 영화이다 . 작년 한 해 한국 영화시장 전체규모는 6 조 1772 억원 , 관객수는 2 억 2668 명으로 문화생활에서 어느 통계보다 압도적인 수치를 자랑한다 . 비단 한국 시장뿐만 아니라 영화가 더 먼저 발전한 미국의 경우 , 매해 평균적으로 4000 만명이 아카데미 시상식을 동시 시청한다 . 모든 영화가 계몽의 형태를 띄는 것은 아니지만 디카프리오의 환경에 대한 수상소감 한마디를 TED 강연 10 개를 합친 것보다 많은 사람들이 본다는 사실은 분명 무시할 수 없는 것이다 .

[11월호, 2020년] Growing Investment in Renewable Energy: Tasks Remain in South Korea - 6기 윤형찬

Growing Investment in Renewable Energy: Tasks Remain in South Korea   [Rise of Renewable Energy]      Decades ago, renewable energy was hard to compete with conventional energy in the market despite its importance to environmental protection. Everyone knew that the growth in renewable energy will greatly contribute to mitigation of climate change, but only few states and investors engaged in the new industry. However, technological development in renewable energy has brought about rapid improvement in its cost. Cost reduction of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) is the representative example. From 1976 to 2015, Solar PV panel recorded 21.5% of “Learning Factor”. Learning factor is an indicator that shows how much the price of a product drops when the selling of that product is doubled. In the case of solar PV panel, the price has dropped by 21.5% every time when the quantity of selling was doubled. In accordance with this amazing learning factor, the panel price reduced fr...

[11월호, 2020년] ODA Generalist Certificate - 5기 권경민

  ODA Generalist Certificate         On November 7th, the 7th ODA (Official Development Assistance) Generalist Certificate test was held by KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) in Seoul (Daebang Middle School, Kyunggi High School, Ohnam Middle School, Seokgwan High School) and Busan (Sejeong High School, Dong-Eui University). As the international development cooperation field is constantly gaining popularity, the test application was closed earlier than scheduled and additional test sites were arranged in response to exploding demand.  On the test day, those who are interested in and are engaged in the international cooperation field gathered to test their abilities. Under the COVID-19 situation, the test takers had to wear masks during the exam period and the temperature check was done before they entered the school.  The  classroom was filled with only 15 people  with sufficient distance . This posting is about the overall introdu...

[Tech Team Insight #1] SDP 테크팀 - 스드프에서 뭐하니?


[Research Team Insight #1] The A to Z of SDP Research Team

[11월호, 2020년] 포스트코로나시대와국내기업의 지속가능개발목표경영지수 - 6기 윤여경

  포스트코로나시대와 국내기업의 지속가능개발목표경영지수 사진출처 -   지난 10월 29일, 전 세계 약 3,000 개 기업을 대상으로 평가가 진행된 2020 지속가능 개발목표경영지수 (SDGBI) 가 발표되었다 . [1] UN 지속가능 개발목표경영지수 (SDGBI) 는 유엔 경제사회이사회 특별협의 지위기구로 설립된 유엔 지속가능개발목표(SDGs) 협회가 발표하는 ESG ( Environmental 환경 , Social 사회 , Governance 지배구조 ) 평가 글로벌 지수다. 이 지수는 사회, 환경, 경제, 제도 4개 분야와 12개 항목, 48개 지표를 기준으로 주요 글로벌 기업의 지속가능성을 분석하고 기업 활동의 ESG, UN 지속가능발전목표 (SDGs) 부합성을 평가한다. 이에 따라 이 지수는 기업의 지속가능발전목표 (SDGs) 이행을 위한 기업의 경영활동을 살펴보는데 매우 유용한 기준이 되어준다.

[11월호, 2020년] Countermeasures against urbanization: Air pollution in Seoul - 5기 함이수

Countermeasures against urbanization: Air pollution in Seoul 55% of the world population resides in urban areas as of 2018, according to a UN report. The overly populated urban population has given rise to problems that people were not aware of in the past. Especially, the impacts of urbanization on the environment are slow to be seen thus has been accumulating, invisible to the human eye. What has been done to address these problems? Furthermore, how should we approach these issues henceforward?