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[11월호, 2020년] ODA Generalist Certificate - 5기 권경민


ODA Generalist Certificate 


  On November 7th, the 7th ODA (Official Development Assistance) Generalist Certificate test was held by KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) in Seoul (Daebang Middle School, Kyunggi High School, Ohnam Middle School, Seokgwan High School) and Busan (Sejeong High School, Dong-Eui University). As the international development cooperation field is constantly gaining popularity, the test application was closed earlier than scheduled and additional test sites were arranged in response to exploding demand.  On the test day, those who are interested in and are engaged in the international cooperation field gathered to test their abilities. Under the COVID-19 situation, the test takers had to wear masks during the exam period and the temperature check was done before they entered the school. The classroom was filled with only 15 people with sufficient distance. This posting is about the overall introduction of the ODA Generalist Certificate.  

Before introducing the certificate, here is the brief summary of ODA and KOICA for better understanding. 


ODA (Official Development Assistance) 


 Official development assistance (ODA) is defined as “government aid that promotes and specifically targets the economic development and welfare of developing countries”, (OECD, 2019) or a comprehensive concept that includes the fund provided to international organizations or technological cooperation. This definition was introduced and universally used after the establishment of OECD DAC (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Development Assistance Committee). (ODA Korea). Most of the developed countries have institutions that manage ODA business; USAID for the United States, DFID for the United Kingdom, AFD for France, GIZ for Germany and KOICA for Korea. (KOICA ODA Education Center, 2016) 


KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) 


Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) is the international development institution that represents Korea, serving the mission of human based development cooperation for peace and prosperity, leaving no one behind. It was established in 1991 and contributes to the international society by reducing poverty and improving the quality of life in developing countries; enhancing human rights of women, children, teenagers, and the disabled; realizing gender equality and sustainable development; and economically cooperating with partner countries.  


[KOICA Logo] Source: 


ODA Generalist Certificate 


   The ODA Generalist Certificate is organized by KOICA ODA Education Center with the aim to train development field experts and to foster competitive job applicants. Having begun in 2016, this was the seventh test. (It was taken twice a year in 2017, 2018 but from 2019, it has been taken once a year.) The test is divided into two sections: Introduction to International Development Cooperation and Advanced International Development Cooperation; total 80 questions, 40 questions each. The exam is taken for 100 minutes.  

   The test is based on 2 books: Introduction to International Development Cooperation (국제개발협력 입문편), Advanced International Development Cooperation (국제개발협력 심화편). The first book is about understanding the overall international development cooperation including its history, current status, relevant entities and the international effort of Korea. The second book is about specific development issues including education, health, agriculture, governance, human rights, poverty and gender.  

[Introduction to International Development Cooperation] Source: yes24 


[Advanced International Development Cooperation] Source: yes24 


The following are the benefits of acquiring the ODA Generalist Certificate. 

  1. Receive benefits when applying for KOICA 

  1. Receive benefits when applying for World Friend Korea (WFK) Global Volunteer 

  1. Receive benefits when applying for KOICA overseas office and ODA business execution organizations Young Professionals (YP)  

   The certificate lasts for 3 years after its issuance, and could be renewed by taking the ODA Generalist Certificate Post-Managing Education and Test. For more information, refer to the ODA Education Center Website. 



KOICA. (n.d.). 미션, 비전. Retrieved from 

KOICA ODA Education Center (n.d.) ODA Generalist Certificate. Retrieved from 

KOICA ODA Education Center (2016). Introduction to International Development Cooperation. Sigongmedia. 

ODA KOREA. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

OECD (2019), What is ODA, Official Development Assistance. 


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