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[4월호, 2021년] #40 Metal Straws, Now What? - 7기 김유진


Metal Straws, Now What?

7기 김유진


In 2016, a team of marine biologists from Texas A&M University discovered a male olive ridley sea turtle amid their research in Costa Rica. It had a 10-12 cm long plastic straw stuck up in his nostril. The team shared a video of extraction, and the vividness of the turtle suffering catalyzed rampant anti-plastic straw movements all around the world. Not only civil campaigns like “Save the Turtles,” “One Less Straw,” “빨대이제는뺄때” have been actively calling for action but also the government, such as of South Korea (Kim, 2018) and the United Kingdom (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs [DEFR], 2020), seem to have been hopping on the trend by banning plastic straw usage.

By this point, one may believe their trendy metal straws are setting innocent sea turtles free from plastic debris, but this is far from the truth. The much-anticipated feel-good ending instead slaps you in the face with bleak reality.

Seaspiracy, a recently released Netflix original documentary film, unveils the ugly truth of the large-scale commercial fishing industry and its environmental harm. It reminds us how our undivided attention and villainization of such a trivial matter of plastic straws let massive ecosystem-decimating vessels go unnoticed. By now, more than half of the ocean surface is covered by industrial fishing supplying tons of fish to people all around the world (Gibbens, 2021). According to the film, the commercial fishing industry is detrimental to the environment due to its fishing gear, fishing method, and systematic deceit (Seaspiracy, 2021).

Fishing gear, especially fishing nets, are the major contributor to marine debris and microplastic. They take up more than half of all the litter in the ocean while plastic straws account for only 0.03% (Seaspiracy, 2021). Not to mention the fishing gear making up 70% of the world’s microplastic, it shows that even with the best-case scenario of cutting back all the plastic straws, there is only so much contribution that can do. This is not by any means to discourage the action. Of course, the world gets an “A for effort,” but there needs to be much more impactful actions done.


Now on to the heartbreaking part: the commercial fishing method destroys a significant portion of the marine ecosystem. The most popular fishing method called “bottom trawling” bulldozes and scrapes off everything in the ocean, from the seafloor to the water surface.

The method, therefore, causes overfishing which drives the fish population to extinction. 

If we go on with the current fishing rate, staple fish like tuna and cod are soon to be extinct. In fact, 90 percent of the overall fish population has already disappeared (Seaspiracy, 2021). This is due to bycatch or unintended catch that is a byproduct of bottom trawling. The most unfortunate fact is that these bycaught organisms are not even consumed by humans. They are caught in a fishing net, injured or killed, and dumped back into the sea at the end. Around 40% of commercial fishing vessels’ catch are bycatch, including 50 million sharks, and 300,000 whales and dolphins annually (Seaspiracy, 2020). Eliminating a large portion of these primary and secondary predators out of the marine food web interrupts the balance of the ecosystem, catalyzing its destruction.

At the same time, the primary producers like coral reefs and algae are also rooted out by trawling nets. Every year, around 4 billion acres of the seafloor is desolated (Seaspiracy, 2021), the size equivalent to 160 South Korean peninsulas combined. Coral reefs and algae are some of the most important, if not the most important, organisms on Earth since they absorb and sequester atmospheric greenhouse gas 20 times more effectively than regular forests, and around 93% of Earth's carbon is being stored in them (Seaspiracy, 2021). The fact that such precious organism is driven to extinction highlights commercial fishing industry’s extreme ignorance.

There should be a glimmer of hope though, wouldn’t sustainably caught fish be fine? Unfortunately, Seaspiracy (2021) exposes the corrupted system in which greenwashing (advertising products as environmentally sustainable while they are not) and bluewashing (advertising products as conforming to the UN’s sustainable vision while they are not) prevail. Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), an NGO that issues the renowned “Certified Sustainable Seafood” label was accused of overissuing the label without a thorough inspection to gain massive profit. According to their website, they collaborate with “the UN Environment Programme and other intergovernmental organizations to track progress towards international goals to end overfishing and protect biodiversity” (Marine Stewardship Council [MSC], n.d.) while they paradoxically continue to overfish and decrease biodiversity.  

Now, it might seem like the ships have already crossed the Rubicon. However, marine life is profoundly resilient which means it is not too late to take actions (Seaspiracy, 2021). People do not need to overthink and simply can continue not using plastic straws and other plastic industrial products. It is one of the easiest ways to help the planet, and although its impact might be trivial, it is still way better than nothing. Next, Seaspiracy (2021) recommends cutting fish consumption and eat plant-based. This does not mean everyone should cut fish though. Rather, it specifically asks people like us, for example, Korean college students who have access to a wide variety of food sources at relatively affordable prices, to give up fish so that other people who rely solely on fish as their main diet can sustain their lives. 97% of commercial fishing is dominated by high-income nations while 78% of their fishing site is on low-income countries’ ocean. This shows how wealthy nations are essentially exploiting resources from countries in need (McCauley et al., 2018). Eliminating fish from our diet does not harm our health. In fact, it is proven to be healthier since we can get important nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids directly from the main source (algae) without the middle man (fish) and harmful byproducts such mercury, antibiotics, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and more (Seaspiracy, 2021). Lastly, it is important to critically analyze and self-directedly accept or reject information we encounter. Unconditional trust and support for “eco-friendly” marks and labels may or may not deceive us and push us down their rabbit hole of confirmation bias. Of course, this goes the same with Seaspiracy itself. In the end, the film itself is also profit-driven, and some criticize that the film cherry-picks data, exaggerates information, and misleads audiences (McVeigh, 2021).

Nevertheless, Seaspiracy effectively brings up the neglected issue which in itself is worth the applause. It is unarguable that the ocean is being decimated rapidly, and urgent actions are in need. Hopefully, this friendly reminder will help resurrect the ocean step by step, fish by fish.




Anderson, K. (Director). (2021). Seaspiracy [Film]. Netflix.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. (2020, September 30). Start of ban on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds. GOV.UK.

Gibbens, S. (2021, February 10). Industrial fishing industry covers more than half the world's oceans, study finds.

Kim , J.-heun. (2018, September 5). Korea to ban disposable cups, plastic straws by 2027. koreatimes.

Marine Stewardship Council. (n.d.). The MSC and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Retrieved April 07, 2021, from

McCauley, D. J., Jablonicky, C., Allison, E. H., Golden, C. D., Joyce, F. H., Mayorga, J., & Kroodsma, D. (2018, August 1). Wealthy countries dominate industrial fishing.

McVeigh, K. (2021, March 31). Seaspiracy: Netflix Documentary accused of misrepresentation by participants.,benefit%20the%20global%20fisheries%20industries.&text=In%20a%20statement%2C%20Phillips%20said,tuna%20fishing%20vessels%20in%20history.


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