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[2월호, 2021년] Don’t miss out on the sale! - 6기 장윤설


Don’t miss out on the sale!

6기 장윤설

You’ve probably heard of or seen similar phrases in your life. If there’s a $15 and $150 shirt, which one would you buy? For most people, they would pick the cheaper one. They would wear it for few months or perhaps 1-2 years, throw it away, and buy a new one to stay with the trend. Now is the era of fast fashion.

Fast fashion

Fast fashion depicts the highly profitable business model, which focuses on rapid production and distribution of clothing. This method allows customers to purchase the latest trendy products at a lower price than famous brands and remain fashionable. As a result, clothing production has roughly doubled since 2000, and people bought 60% more garments in 2014 than in 2000.


It’s cheaper. Isn’t it better?

Due to the cost-effectiveness of fast fashion clothes, the threat the fashion industry poses to the environment has aggravated. The fashion industry is the world’s second-largest consumer of water supply. Every year, the dyeing process consumes enough water to fill 2 million Olympic-sized swimming pools. 500,000 tons of microfibres, equivalent to 50 billion plastic bottles, are released into the ocean each year. In 2017, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) reported that 35% of microplastics in the ocean are derived solely from the laundry. The clothing industry is also responsible for 10% of carbon emissions, which is more than those emitted from the flight industry. Polyester (plastic), found in 60% of garments, releases two to three times more carbon than other materials and is not biodegradable.

The fashion industry is responsible for more carbon emissions than those that come from aviation (Credit: Getty Images/Alamy/Javier Hirschfeld)


Cotton, the water killer

Though it is difficult to identify all of the inputs of clothing production, the UN has rough estimates. One shirt requires 350 grams of cotton. That is equivalent to 700 gallons of water, a sufficient amount of water for one individual to drink at least eight cups a day for 3.5 years. One pair of jeans necessitates one kilogram of cotton. That is 2,000 gallons of water, enough water for one person to drink eight cups of water per day for ten years.

Growing the cotton needed for a single pair of jeans requires a huge amount of water, while dying and manufacturing processes use yet more (Credit: Getty Images/Javier Hirschfeld)


No more ‘Toxic fashion’

As these problems gain recognition, many fashion industries have shifted their focus to providing sustainable products. For instance, Patagonia, one of the leading sustainable fashion brands, recently launched the “Recrafted Collection” in November 2020. This collection takes a part of Patagonia’s Worn Wear’s campaign by designing garments from discarded clothes that could not be sold or repaired. Products of this collection consist of more than 68% recycled and organic materials.

Patagonia’s “Recrafted Collection”


Another forefront of this trend is a vegan fashion brand called “SAVE THE DUCK.” As its name suggests, this brand is 100% animal and cruelty-free:  no usages of raw materials that cause land degradation, the death of animals, or water pollution. Instead, the company consumes recycled plastic bottles, eco-friendly fur and develops in-house filler materials.


Despite all these efforts, sustainable fashion encountered a major problem: price. It’s inevitable that eco-friendly products are more expensive than normal products. If products don’t satisfy customers’ needs, they are no longer profitable and the production of sustainable fashion will eventually stop. To combat this issue, it is crucial that individuals and industries participate in upcycling campaigns. 


A final note

In a consumerist society, we formulate goals by acquiring goods. This unsustainable method of living depletes natural resources and pollutes the planet. While the social stigma of buying and disposing of garments after every micro season to stay on trend remains, let’s all attempt to make an era of eco-friendly fashion. Check your wardrobes first before shopping.









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