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[12월호, 2020년] Green Marketing for a Greener Future - 6기 윤민하


Green Marketing for a Greener Future

6기 윤민하

The Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), adopted since 2015, have provided humanity with a desirable and also inevitable path to retain our livelihood on Earth. Goal number twelve, which is “Responsible Consumption and Production”, is one demanding for an answer in maintaining today’s infinite cycle of production and consumption to a level, or in a way that does not harm the sustainability of humankind. This goal is especially important in the context of our society’s key functioning mechanism, capitalism, in that it is held up by the very cycle itself. However, the cycle could bring great harm to the Earth depending on the method in which this cycle is implemented, since more production brings some ‘inevitable’ contamination and consumption its ‘inevitable’ wastes. Related harms also include exclusion, discrimination, resource depletion and more.



With such harms lurking in the very much foreseeable future, green marketing is becoming a new trend in many market sectors and many companies are seeking for new marketing strategies to become more environmentally friendly. Lush is a renown in this field, and some of their strategies include not packaging their products (“Naked packaging”), using raw materials produced ‘sustainably’, and active recycling of their containers (“Black pots”).[1] Moreover, Lush’s sustainable strategies are not limited to green objectives, but also sustainability in general in that they are also against animal testing and that they carry out human right promoting campaigns.


A typical Lush store


  But why would companies participate in making a greener environment? Anxiety for the environment may be one reason, but the more dominant explanation is that it has become a tool, a strategy for them to earn competitiveness in the market and ultimately gain more profit. Then why would green marketing lead to more profit? There are two more actors in this mechanism, consumers and the government. Firstly, the consumers’ increased concern for the environment would be powerful motivating factor. This not only leads to the implementation of green marketing strategies, but also contributes in maintaining and improving its context in that consumers can act as a monitoring personnel for the action of companies, and expose inappropriate actions if any. Government policies are also a strong factor in determining companies’ methods of management, using regulations or incentives to make companies perform in an environmentally sound way. This is also why the overall presidential or governmental stance towards the environment could greatly affect the landscape of green marketing, since in companies’ view the availability of financial resources or the level of limitations may vary greatly.

In promoting green marketing, deciding the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ would be crucial for companies. For the ‘what’ part, there are four subjects – also known as the 4Ps – that companies can choose from: product, place, price and promotion. In the case of Lush, ‘product’ would be the various soaps, shampoos and the raw materials used. If the way the products are manufactured or the materials used are ‘green’, then that could be a green strategy. ‘Place’ here means distribution channel, and saving energy in the process of distribution and/or reducing the number of channels to go through would be the examples. ‘Price’ is also important in that it determines the amount in which the environmentally friendly product is to be purchased. It also acts as a signal in the market to show consumers, investors and competitors about the value and profitability of the product, which would influence future prospects in related fields. The method in which the products are displayed and accessed to the consumers is ‘promotion’, which for instance indicates the ‘green’ materials used in the actual designing and building of stores.

For the ‘how’ part, communication is the key. After companies have decided upon what to focus on, the next step to take is to ensure that consumers and related stakeholders are sufficiently informed about the efforts made. Various methods can be utilized in this process, some of which include advertising and eco-labeling. Advertising does not necessarily mean that companies show everything done in the context of green marketing, but rather is an act of choosing what to reveal and what to conceal. In some cases, companies choose not to disclose their efforts – and this can itself be a marketing strategy. Lush, for example, does not spend any money on advertising, and rather uses an “internal strategy”, which includes staff members who act as brand advocates.[2] Eco-labelling is a method of officially proving and assessing the eco-friendliness of each product, and provides evidence for consumers and investors to rely on the company’s credibility. There are various types of eco-labels, some of which are obligatory and offered by the government, and others which are voluntary or managed by non-official institutions. The Korean official eco-label is managed by the Ministry of Environment, and is given to products which have achieved a certain level of improvement regarding its eco-friendliness.[3]


Korean Eco-label


As such, companies can choose to perform green marketing utilizing various systematic tools and approaches. As environmental considerations are becoming inevitable, companies are starting to implement these strategies, and what this proliferation of green marketing shows is that pro-environment can lead to pro-profit. Green marketing is showing some substantial and significant outcomes in the market, as the case of Lush, and is consequently inducing more such actions among companies. Of course, more effort is still needed to make this trend not end as just a trend, but rather as an essential viewpoint when managing businesses – and these efforts include improvements in the overall consciousness as well as more governmental and inter-governmental contributions. With such efforts, the infinite cycle of production and consumption in this society may turn out to be sustainable after all.


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